BOP: What is a Supermax Federal Prison?

BOP: What is a Supermax Federal Prison?

Your boyfriend was convicted of a federal offense and sent to prison. Now he has called and said they may be sending him to a Supermax facility. These federal prisons are the highest security prisons in the BOP system. Inmates sent to Supermax are considered the highest security risk inmates. The risk can be against society, the government or other inmates. Supermax prisons house long-term, high security inmates and as such have significantly tight security controls throughout the facilities. Florence ADX - Supermax Supermax prisons are standalone buildings or they are specially designated areas within lower security prisons. Most of the inmates in Supermax are there because they are considered to be especially violent or disruptive to the prison system.  Terrorists, organized crime leaders and drug cartel leaders are among prisoners in the nation’s Supermax facilities. The federal government believes these inmates need to be kept separate from the general population. Primary differences between Supermax and non-Supermax prisons: Confinement: Most inmates are confined to their cells for 23 hours a day. They typically receive an hour a day of “yard” time, but in many cases, the “yard” is a small outdoor area that is completely enclosed by fencing - sort of like a huge cage. Supermax inmates are usually housed in single-cells without cellmates. Length of time: The majority of inmates transferred into a Supermax prison will remain there indefinitely, typically for many years or for life. Activities: Prison programs such as education opportunities, substance abuse counseling and recreational programs are not usually offered in a Supermax facility. Instead, inmates are often subjected to solitary confinement and have very limited contact with outsiders. Meals are served to inmates in their cells. There is a slot in each cell door that allows meal trays to be passed through. They are sometimes referred to as “bean slots.” Final thoughts: While disruptive or violent inmates can be sent to a Supermax facility, guards also use the threat of Supermax to make an inmate comply with an order. If a guard told your boyfriend that he may go to Supermax, it is possible that the guard said it without it really being considered. Check out: Top 10 Notorious Prisons video Pondering Solitary Future for Gangster Held in Isolation for Years