Convicted Felon Benefits: 4 Steps to Get Your Social Security Payments Started Again Once You Are Freed

Convicted Felon Benefits: 4 Steps to Get Your Social Security Payments Started Again Once You Are Freed

The Social Security Administration didn’t waste any time. Thirty days after your conviction your payments were cut off. Can I get Social Security benefits if I’ve been convicted of a felony? While you can’t get those lost payments back, you can probably get your future payments quickly once you are released. Use these steps to get it going.
  1. Find out where your local social security office is located. There is typically one in every county. If you aren’t sure where it is, click here, put in your zip code and find the office nearest to you.
  2.  Gather any paperwork you have regarding your past payments. They can help you without it, but it will make it easier if you bring it.
  3. Go to the social security office and fill out a reinstatement application.
  4. Ask them to make a copy of it for you so you have written proof of when you applied for reinstatement.
Benefits Estimator Final thoughts: The faster you get the paperwork submitted the more quickly your payments can be restarted. Make it a priority. For those incarcerated, a pre-release form can be requested to get it started shortly before release.