Can a Felon Own a Gun Oklahoma?

Can a Felon Own a Gun Oklahoma?

Generally speaking, federal law makes it a crime for a convicted felon to own or possess a gun or ammunition.  If you were convicted of a federal felony crime, you must receive a presidential pardon if you are to ever own a firearm again. Some states, however, have specifically designed laws regarding felons convicted of state laws and residing in their state,  owning / possessing firearms. The state of Oklahoma has the following rules. 
  • The only way to have your firearms rights restored in Oklahoma is to receive a pardon from the state you were convicted in. In addition, the pardon cannot prohibit you from owning or possessing guns and must specifically have the box checked that says you can do so.
  • Even if you were a minor when convicted of the felony, you are prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm/ammunition if the conviction happened less than 10 years before the request is made.
Final thoughts: Oklahoma’s laws dovetail with the federal laws. An attorney experienced in the restoration of firearm rights can help you determine what your chances are of restoration and help you get the proper action started. Federal law mandates that if you do receive a pardon from your state, then as long as you do not have other felonies or domestic assault convictions on your record, you might be able to have your rights restored.