215 Kansas Ave.
Alma, KS 66401
There are several methods for depositing money on an inmate's account. You can find out how to do this by calling the Wabaunsee County Jail at 785-765-3303 and asking, or you can scroll down and review the different methods.
1. Mail an inmate a money order or cashier’s check from a trusted source such as the Post Office, a local bank, or Western Union. The money order should be be made out to either the inmate or the Wabaunsee County Sheriff's Office, with the inmate’s name and ID# on the memo line of the check.
When mailing a money order or cashier’s check, send it an envelope by itself. Never send it with a letter or photos for your inmate, unless the facility allows it. Never send personal checks or cash.
2. Deposit cash or use a debit or credit card using a dedicated kiosk for this purpose. The machine is located in the lobby or visitation area of the Wabaunsee County Jail.
3. The Wabaunsee County Jail has a reception desk that may accept cash, money orders or cashier checks. Call 785-765-3303 to find out the specific hours for drop off times.
4. The Wabaunsee County Jail may contract with a third party service which accept inmate deposits online, by mail or over the phone, or even in ATM machines you can find in check cashing stores and retail outlets across the country. Call 785-765-3303 for the company information, along with a list of these companies, or find it by scolling down below.
There are usually four options for putting money on an inmate's books:
Option 1 - Dropping Money at the Jail
Bring money to the jail in person.
Either the jail personnel will process the Inmate Account payment or you will use a self-serve kiosk in the lobbies that accepts cash, debit or credit cards.
Option 2 - Deposit Inmate Money Online
Wabaunsee County Jail and others often use a private company to process all online deposits to an inmate's account. The company charges you a small fee for doing so, but the fee probably isn't as much as gas and parking would cost to take it to the jail in person.
Option 3 - Mail the Inmate Deposit to the Jail
Mailing a deposit takes more time to process than the other methods but can be done if you live too far away to bring it in person and you don't have a debit/credit card for online deposits. Never send cash. Always send a Money Order from the US Post Office, a reputable bank or Western Union.
Make the Money Order out to the inmate's name and put their Inmate ID# in memo section of the Money Order.
Call Wabaunsee County Jail at 785-765-3303 to confirm the address to send the money order to and how they want it made out.
Failure to do this properly will delay your inmate getting his account credited and may require you to have to resubmit a second money order.
Call 785-765-3303 to ask facility personnel who to make the money order out to, and where to send it.
Option 4 - Make an Inmate Deposit over the Phone
Most of the online companies that provide deposit services will accept deposits over the phone with a debit or credit card.
To do this you will need the inmate's offender # (inmate ID #) and full legal name.
Wabaunsee County Jail may have contracted with a third party Commissary care package company that ships predetermined Care Packages of candy and snacks.
These can be ordered by you online and are delivered directly to the inmate. Call 785-765-3303 to confirm if you don't see the information on this page.
People who have never been to jail would be surprised by the large amount of candy, snacks, art supplies, playing cards, hygiene products and clothing that can be purchased through this jail's commissary.
The Wabaunsee County Jail Commissary Instructions and Information can be found on this page. If you need more information contact the jail by calling 785-765-3303.
Anybody can contribute to an inmate's books or commissary fund as long as there isn't a no-contact order in place.
Because of the ability for family members and friends to deposit money online using a credit or debit card, jail inmates can now receive funds from anywhere in the world.
Since inmates are not allowed to possess cash money while in custody in the Wabaunsee County Jail, the jail maintains a 'bank account' for the inmate to purchase products and services from their commissary (canteen) store.
Commissary funds allow inmates to purchase items such as personal hygiene products, snacks and stationery supplies from the jail store.
Inmates can use money from their account to purchase phone time credits or prepaid phone cards in order to make outside phone calls to friends and family members.
Many jails also allow an inmate to bail himself out of jail if he has the funds in his account. The bail amount is typically 10-15% of the bond amount set by the court.
Inmate accounts are also used to pay the co-payment for medication and visits to the jail's medical clinic should they become ill.
Many jails debit (charge) an inmate's commissary accounts for medical visits, any medications including over-the-counter pain reliever, jail stay fees, restitution, etc.
Taking this into consideration when deciding how much to deposit will ensure the inmate gets the amount you wanted him to have after things are deducted.
A quick call to the Wabaunsee County Jail at 785-765-3303 will let you know how much is deducted from the books for each fee related to medical issues or other jail expenses.
Sometimes an inmate's commissary money is used to purchase items to pay gambling debts or purchase prescription medicine from another inmate. If your inmate is spending more than $10.00 a day on commissary items, you are most likely paying for him or her to gamble or buy drugs.
Some inmates, specifically those who are targeted for being weak or are in jail for rape or child molestation, are forced to relinquish their commissary to avoid regular beatings from other inmates.
If you think your inmate is being targeted for violence or having their commissary taken to avoid beatings, contact the Wabaunsee County Jail and ask to investigate. If an inmate is being targeted, most jails will intervene and have the victim placed in protective custody, away from the general population.
Put your financial needs first and the inmate's second. Don't forget, the inmate is getting three free 2,000 calorie meals a day. The food may not be of the highest quality, but the commissary food is generally much less nutritious.
To send and receive secure texts or emails from an inmate housed in Wabaunsee County follow these instructions:
For all the information you need to know, including instructions, policies, tips and solutions to possible issues with Texting and Emailing an inmate in Wabaunsee County, visit our full page guide.
To register and sign up for a visitation account with CIDNET Video Visitation Service, follow the instructions below:
For all the information you need to know, including instructions, special links, policies, rules, tips and solutions to possible issues regarding regular visitation and remote video visits with an inmate in Wabaunsee County, visit our full page guide.
NOTE: All visits are recorded. Whatever you talk about, can and will be used against your inmate in court. Never discuss their pending criminal case!
Also, be warned that CIDNET may be collecting voice prints for a database which they may be sharing with law enforcement agencies.
To send a secure email message to an inmate in Wabaunsee County Jail follow these steps:
- Chirping is the product name for inmate texting.
- This product allows Wabaunsee County inmates to send chirps (texts) to friends and family members.
- Inmates will be charged a monthly service fee of $4.00.
- Inbound and Outbound Chirps are $0.10 each.
Inmate Sales Apps
iphone app
Google Play app
For all information on how to Text/Email an Inmate in Wabaunsee County Jail check out our Secure Messaging Guide for Wabaunsee County.
To receive phone calls from inmates in Wabaunsee County, or to assist them in making phone calls to other people, follow these steps:
For all the information regarding phone calls with Wabaunsee County inmates; rules, policies, phone calling times, limits and more visit our Inmate Phone Page.