As part of GTL telephone services, prisoners can call 20 personal telephone numbers, which becomes his/her Personal Allowed Numbers (PAN) list. PAN's will automatically reset each quarter (1/1, 4/1, 7/1, 10/1), which allows each prisoner an opportunity to update his/her calling list.
GTL Prisoner Telephone Rates: Effective October 1st, 2023, ViaPath (GTL) Prisoner Telephone Rates will be $0.0735 per minute for all Calls.
Above rates include all costs except applicable Federal, State, Local Taxes, and Federal Universal Service Fees.
International calls shall include the applicable per minute rate of use ($0.0735) plus the applicable call termination rate for the international destination of the call, as published on ViaPath's website. These rates can be found at: https://www.gtl.net/legal-and-privacy/federal-tariffs-and-price-lists/.
To get started you must first open an account with GTL Connect Network (aka Viapath Technologies)

- Advance Pay - This phone account allows you to prepay so that your inmate can call you (and only you) whenever he/she wants and the cost of each call is deducted from your balance. You can even be notified by text when your balance gets low. You still have the option of accepting or rejecting each call.
- Pin Debit - This option allows you to fund an inmate's commissary account and lets him pay for phone calls to you and others with the money. You will have no control over who your inmate calls.
- Voicemail - You can leave a secure voicemail without having to contact the facility. When you call the local phone number for a facility offering Inmate Voicemail (call Customer Service at 877-650-4249 to get the local voicemail number for Central Michigan Correctional Facility, you will be informed of the cost for leaving a message. To leave your message, simply select the inmate by ID number. Then, record your voicemail.
How to deposit money for Inmate Communications:
- Online
- By phone by calling 877-650-4249
- Deposit by cash, visa or mc debit and credit cards in the Central Michigan Correctional Facility lobby kiosk
- By mail... Check or Money Order made out to:
AdvancePay Service Department
P.O. Box 911722
Denver, CO 80291-1722
- Cash deposits to ConnectNetwork are also available at 26,000 retail locations nationwide including Walmart, ACE, Kmart, Kroger, and more. You’ll start the payment process online in your ConnectNetwork account, then complete your transaction with cash at a participating local retail store. Plus, many of these stores are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Find a retail store near you.