Ocean Residential Community Home Inmate Visitation

Ocean Residential Community Home Inmate Visitation Information and Schedules

All visits to Ocean Residential Community Home are by appointment only and must be scheduled with the facility 48 hours in advance. 

To make an appointment and view the visitation hours, go to this page, then click on HOW DO I SCHEDULE A VISIT?

All visitors must first undergo a background check.  When you call for an appointment, ask them how you can arrange your criminal background check.

When you go to visit, make sure you bring a photo ID, such as:

 - a current photo driver’s license or MVC non-driver identification card,
 - a current photo Welfare or Medicaid card,
 - an employment photo ID, or
 - a current passport.

Dress respectfully. A good a thumb is dress as if you going to meet someone's grandmother for the first time.

Facility dress codes prohibits:

- skin-tight or transparent garments or those that expose undergarments or private body parts,
- exposed shoulders or midriffs,
- tube tops, tank tops, halter tops or low-cut shirts,
- hooded sweatshirts,
- bottoms that end more than three inches above the knee,
- low-rise shorts, skirts and pants,
- military-style clothing or those similar to items worn by incarcerated persons or NJDOC custody staff,
- flip-flops and steel-toed boots,
- clothing with inappropriate messages is strictly prohibited,
- some visitors wearing clothing deemed inappropriate may be given an alternative garment to wear during the duration of their visit.
- no clothing items resembling any healthcare style uniforms, such as scrubs or lab coats.

No loud, belligerent or sexual behavior is allowed, and that includes excessive touching and/or kissing.

If you are confirmed as an ex-offender or current parolee and did not disclose this information prior to being approved as a visitor, your visit will not be allowed.