Blog / Jailex Ratings

Top 6 Juvenile Detention Centers in America - What Makes a Juvenile Jail the Best?

There are 1,315 County Juvenile Detention Centers in America serving 3,210 counties.  On any given day they are holding for trial or incarceration for a year or less at least 15,000 children and young adults 17 years of age or younger. Do they actual... Read more

How Much Information Should a Jail Provide? - Rating Jails by their Transparency

[caption id="attachment_166" align="alignright" width="300" caption="As stark as this seems, this jail cell has recent plumbing, a mattress that's not old and flattened, and even a natural light source."][/caption] The federal government has cer... Read more

The JAILEX Rating System – Identifying and Rating the Best and Worst Jails in America

JAIL Exchange is the only FREE Inmate Search that provides the viewer with every bit of available information on every Inmate Search, and every jail and prison in the United States. While conducting our in-depth research over an 18-month period, we w... Read more

Top 50 Jails in America – JAILEX Ratings for the TOP 50 Jails, Adult and Juvenile in the United States

Over 15 million men, women and children are arrested and jailed every year in the United States.  That equates to over 5% of the population, or one in twenty citizens. Whether they realize it or not, everyone knows somebody who is, or has been in jai... Read more